Sometimes conditions may白110wa head-type boundary印nction;such as theupstream face ofan embankment dam experiencin卫drawdown.The head changesas the rcscrvoiris lowered. Above the changing surfaccofthe rcservo止 thereispotential fora seepage facctodevelop as the pore-waterpressurcs within thecmbankmentredistributc.In this case,a角nction that describcs the changing headboundary wlth[ime can be dcvcloped anda secondary condition thatwiⅡchangcthe head boundary toanux boundaryifthe totalhead becomes ]ess than theelevation hcad at any nodeis automaticallvink门CdWhcn the head boundary6assigncd to the rcservoir nodcs,the potcntial seepage facc revicw optjoncall thcnbe sclectcd. The boundary revjew proccdure is then幻Ilowed to detcrmjnc由CPagel34